The Perks of Dairy

The Perks of Dairy

We all remember hearing this: “Finish your milk, it’s good for your bones!” If you have kids of your own now, you may catch yourself repeating many of the things you were told growing up. Though parents occasionally exaggerate to get their kids to do certain things (such as eat veggies or behave), they’re spot-on…

How often does my child need to see the dentist?

How often does my child need to see the dentist?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, checkups at Children’s Dental Care are recommended for all children two times a year. Children should be evaluated for cavities and other emerging dental issues every six months, because these problems can lead to more serious dental problems and health issues if left untreated. While it is…

What is a water pick and do I need one?

What is a water pick and do I need one?

Water picks, sometimes called “oral irrigators,” make an excellent addition to your regular home care regimen of brushing and flossing. Especially helpful to those who suffer from periodontal disease and those patients of ours undergoing orthodontic treatment with full-bracketed braces, water picks use powerful tiny bursts of water to dislodge food scraps, bacteria, and other…

How to Make Brushing Fun

How to Make Brushing Fun

Let’s call it the cranky phase. Let’s call it the “Mom, I don’t want to” stage. When kids are little, getting them to brush can be a challenge. They bite the toothbrush and eat the toothpaste. They make faces in the bathroom mirror, brush for two seconds, and run away. When it’s time to brush,…

Thanksgiving Trivia

Thanksgiving Trivia

At Bella Children’s Dental Care we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, Dr. Carla LaLande wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter at the holiday dinner table and help create some great conversation with friends and family. The Turkey There is no historical evidence that…

Thanksgiving in North America

Thanksgiving in North America

Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving thanks, and while this may seem like such a natural celebration, the United States is only one of a handful of countries to officially celebrate…

Understanding Cavities

Understanding Cavities

Getting a cavity seems like delayed punishment for eating that special dessert every weekend or for the few days you forgot to floss. When you are doing everything right with minimal exception and a cavity is diagnosed, it is discouraging. Knowing how cavities form and what causes them is valuable in knowing how to prevent…

Your Child’s First Toothbrush

Your Child’s First Toothbrush

First word, first step, first haircut, first… toothbrush? While it may not be considered a typical milestone, choosing the right first toothbrush is an important first step in your child’s future dental health. The time to start brushing is when your baby’s first tooth appears. Until then, you have probably been using a clean, moist…

The Perks of Dairy

The Perks of Dairy

We all remember hearing this: “Finish your milk, it’s good for your bones!” If you have kids of your own now, you may catch yourself repeating many of the things you were told growing up. Though parents occasionally exaggerate to get their kids to do certain things (such as eat veggies or behave), they’re spot-on…